Beyond Mike Bell

Oh good god, these things are a treasure trove of self absorption. Also I'm a bad speller. Submitted by Courtney - thank you!! call me!

Agent Zero,
My mission is complete, the nebuluos [sic] [I LOVE sic by the way] entity known in p roper and highly pretentious circles as my life, has been annialated, destroyed, kaput.
I'm going out with Matt, the guy who played with Candlebox, again tonight. These random people I met at the mall called me and told me to call him. So I did. And now we have a "date." He's a manager at a McDonalds so I know he has a future. Plus (double plus good) he's in a cock rawk, emo, heavy metal band and he's the singer. I'm so excited, I cant wait to be one of his screaming groupies ITs a match made in heaven I tell ya, just like Lisa and her soupa-loser Rick. What's wrong with Lisa's brain? First Mike Bell then Rick the Turbo-narc? I hate em and I've never even met the poor guy-
- I wonder if Josh counts as a gal pal. I mean, I'm as attracted to him as I am to, say, the statue of Old Sully Ross in the square of our school. I mean they both have cute buns, but I have my standards. So anyway...
I assume you got the "Howdy Week" crap in the mail. I say we still go, show up tow days late, molest some freshmen 'babes' and blow the whole joint (figerativly) [sic] after an hour or so. but we have to say hey to all the SAs esp. Conor. Course I sorta miss his pagan ways-
-In other news, Afganistan blew up in a very powerful explosion yesterday afternoon when several drunk teenagers tried eating pop rocks and chasing it with Dr. B. and also...
William S. Burroughs, Americas favorite Heroin Addict died last Saturday, 83 years old when he saw that Davy Jones and the rest of the Monkees were going on yet another reunion tour with Black Sabbath, Greenday, and Marylin Manson. Its called "My Geriatric Physican Said Knock You Out!" Coming to a small suburb of Sulphur, LA, soon.
I love summer jobs.
I love life
I love.... hippies.

The chrome biped

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